G Major Scale on the G string

Learn the G major scale on the G string.

All major scales are built with the same formula:


Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half

Playing a scale on one string is not the most efficient way to play a scale however it is a great way to see the relationship between the whole steps and half steps.  It is also very good for training your ear to hear the difference between a half step and whole step.

G major scale on the G string on the fretboard

The numbers below the staff above are representing suggested finger.  The are based on using 3 positions which you will are listed below:

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Do you know there are really only 5 scale forms that will cover the whole fretboard?

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My name is Teague Purtell and I am a professional musician.  I love music and I love sharing my knowledge so others can experience the joy that playing guitar can offer.  I started Musiclearning.Com in 1999 with the goal to create fun online guitar lessons that provided direction and would help with focus and consistency.  Over time it became a complete guitar method designed to help everyone from beginner to seasoned players.  In 2007 I started a youtube channel and began adding videos to the lessons.  Little did I know that my lesson videos would get to 26 million views and counting.  All this to say I have figured out how to teach guitar online and what works for people so they feel they make the progress needed to want to keep playing and growing on the instrument.

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