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tripfuse Learn the main riff from Letting Go with Teague Purtell

Letting Go Main Guitar Riff

The real recording is in drop B tuning and will be explained in another lesson shortly but here it is in E standard.

:53 - 1:11 Beat 1 Low E and high played on the 12th fret.

1:12 - 1:26 Beat 2

1:27 - 1:56 Beat 1 and 2

1:58 - 2:12 Beat 3

2:13 - 2:20 Beat 4

2:21- 2:30 Beat 3 and 4

2:31 - 2:40 Measure 1

Measure 2 is not broken down like measure 1 but below you will see the 4 measures together and with the video you should be able to figure it out.

Main Riff

Chorus Measure 1
5:44 - 7:17

Chorus Measure 1 and 2
7:18 - 7:35